In the alternative rock space there was three out-of-nowhere new songs released this week from Weezer, Good Charlotte, and Coldplay. Let’s review:
Weezer, who out of no where dropped a new song a few weeks back, was at it again this week with “Do You Wanna Get High”. Much like the previous song “Thank God for Girls” this is a bit deeper and darker than last year’s “Everything Will Be Alright in the End” album, but don’t get us wrong it is Weezer doing what Weezer does best. In this case, as with “Thank God…” the song isn’t horrible, but it isn’t the next “Buddy Holly” or “Hash Pipe”.
Good Charlotte
Everyone’s favorite pop-punk turned pop band from the 2000s was apparently on hiatus (guess when there is no drama there isn’t made into a big deal made about it – we’re talking about you Blink 182!) is back. With the news came a song – not as punk as their original self titled album, but not as pop as their later releases. The song “Makeshift Love” is extremely catchy and masterfully takes everyone back to glory days of Good Charlotte where they were just enough punk mixed with just enough pop.
With Coldplady you just never know. Once a soft piano rock band they embraced that changing scene with synths and electronic drums as their career progressed. Then there was 2014’s “Ghost Stories” which saw a bit of of everything from their career mixed in topped off with breakup themes and lyrics. This new song, “Adventure of a Lifetime” is quite different to be blunt. It tries to be “Viva La Vida” with its repetition and catchy musical licks but seems a bit too EDC, and not enough Coldplay if you will. What’s with the tribal female background vocals anyways?