Concert Review: Dennis DeYoung (Formerly of STYX)


Dennis DeYoung, a founding member of STYX, helped pen some of the group’s biggestsongs including “Come Sail Away” and “Lady” but a nasty breakup in the late 90s saw the band continue on with a different lead singer. Today DeYoung still tours with his own band playing a greatest hits of STYX songs. This week he was at Epcot’s International Food and Wine festival – but did you know Walt Disney World also played a role in the breakup of STYX?

The Show
But first, let’s talk about the show. DeYoung is one of the few acts at Epcot that will play completely different sets each time – don’t except any of the same songs twice! Meaning, if you want to hear say “Come Sail Away” you may have to attend more than one show. His first set (second of the night, first I saw) kicked off with  “Mr Roboto” – now this is where as a STYX fan it gets interesting.Deyoung2

The current version of STYX shys away from the soft ballads and even the Roboto material (which according to history is what started the separation between DeYoung and group) so seeing DeYoung allows fans to hear songs that aren’t performed. On the flip side, until recently DeYoung would do the same for the songs he didn’t sing lead on (for example “Blue Collar Man”, “Too Much Time On My Hands”) but has since rebuilt his band to include a Tommy Shaw look alike (from a STYX’s cover band nonetheless) and now performs those songs sprinkled in his set (with the guitarist taking lead vocals).

With all that said – DeYoung’s voice is still there as well as the energy. The band does a fantastic job of covering the songs and DeYoung gives them room to shine instead of keeping utilizing them as a true “backing” band.  However one odd thing to note was his wife (who tours with his as a backup singer) seemed to tick him off which made for some awkward glances and mouthing of words between the two.

History Made at Walt Disney World
Back to the breakup story – while there are two sides to any story we’ll keep it to the facts. DeYoung and STYX disagreed on the amount of touring due to an illness and already planned to move in different directions (which led to lawsuits). But first they had one final gig to perform – a benefit at Walt Disney World. According to accounts by managers and crew in the biography “The Grand Delussion”, DeYoung already knew his time was up with the band. With the record due out shortly after the performance its said everyone realized it was in the band’s best interest to perform the show and make the announcement after the album’s release. Should be no surprise that performance is available on YouTube – and at times you’ll can see the clear tension.


About Author

Living among the too-many-to-count theme parks of Orlando, FL, Andrew is always looking for an excuse to check out a show, buy some vinyl, modify (instead of play) his guitars, and eat food your mom would consider unhealthy.

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